Sarah Kleiner Wellness

Sarah Kleiner Wellness

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Who will benefit from this course?

  • Individuals and practitioners seeking more extensive scientific knowledge and practical administration of circadian biology, quantum biology and nutrition principles specifically for reversing leptin resistance
  • Anyone looking to explore a comprehensive approach to health that encompasses the intricate interplay between light,  lifestyle and nutrition.
  • Anyone who has gone through the 21 Day Leptin Reset course and is looking for a deeper scientific understanding & application of the principles outlined in that course.
Since the discovery of leptin in 1994, thousands of papers, studies & articles have been published on how this hormone impacts everything from fertility, to PCOS, hot flashes, gut health, blood sugar,  insulin, thyroid, the immune system, the heart, bone health, depression, weight and more.


A 6-week, comprehensive program designed to deepen your understanding & application of the science behind leptin as a master signaling light hormone


Ready to gain an in-depth understanding of leptin and the practical administration of circadian biology, quantum biology & nutrition principles specifically for reversing leptin resistance?

Check out the curriculum, with over 40 lessons dedicated to helping you understand leptin:


"Sarah, I want to give you the highest praise for connecting some very important dots for me- both personally and professionally. I am a Pharm D that owns a compounding pharmacy, specializing in functional medicine and treating many patients with HRT, autoimmune disease, chronic pain, and long covid.

My personal journey began a few years ago when I felt overwhelming fatigue and could NOT lose weight no matter what plan I followed. I blamed it on being premenopausal. To be fair, I had a lifetime of following fad diets, extreme exercise, working 20 hours days (including overnight), and living on coffee and adrenaline. I wasn't too surprised when my body crashed.

July 2021 I had a very mild case of Covid and it was the straw that broke the camel's back. I went into menopause over night...I initially thought, I got this- this is what I do for a living but after 6 months of perfect compliance with HRT, oodles of supplements, and a strict diet...not one symptom improved.

I thought about two things. First, I can not live like this for the rest of my life! My second thought was, OMG.- is this how most of my patients feel and they just don't say anything?

While I had some patients that HRT didn't help, this made me wonder if it was far more common than I knew. So I started to research frequency medicine and mitochondrial health, which led me to you.

I can tell you that you were the biggest piece of the puzzle to correcting my energy and metabolism! Thank you, Thank you! Ironically, I get several calls a day looking for Semaglutide which has many side effects (including thyroid cancer)and is ridiculously expensive. This has moved me to share your knowledge and tools to as many of my patients as possible to help them manage menopause, autoimmune disease, and weight management."

 Stephani Martinsen, Pharm D

"I continue to be amazed at how good my sleep has gotten since I impulsively signed up for the leptin reset back in December. How did almost 6 months fly by like that?

I had suffered from insomnia especially badly since the 3rd year of my doctoral program, waking up at 12-3am, unable to get back to sleep...I also suffered from fatigue that would make me nap hours away on my couch and procrastinate on my assignments for school...

Now I've miraculously made it to the week before graduating with my doctorate in clinical psychology. I'm sleeping a very solid 8 hours and don't need to call out for insomnia every other week like I previously had. I fall asleep within a few minutes and if I wake up in the middle of the night, it's a quick trip to the bathroom and then I fall back asleep quickly. I'm no zero medications.

The current paradigm is broken. Now when a patient is referred to me for psychotherapy for anxiety, depression, or insomnia, the first thing I look at is their sleep and light environment."

Maria Niepold

About Your Instructor

Sarah Kleiner

Sarah Kleiner is a Quantum Health Coach with the Quantum Biology Collective (Levels one & two), a Certified Nutrition Coach with National Academy of Sports Medicine, has just completed Dr. Tom Cowan's New Biology Clinic Certification, and has over 14 years of experience working one on one with clients to optimize nutrition, lifestyle & mindset. 

Sarah's signature 21 Day Leptin Reset Program has reached thousands of people all over the world & has had tremendous results for men and women of all ages.

Now Sarah wants to show you how to implement circadian biology, quantum biology and leptin science together for you and your potential clients.

Since the discovery of leptin in 1994, thousands of papers, studies & articles have been published on how this hormone impacts everything from fertility, to PCOS, hot flashes, gut health, blood sugar,  insulin, thyroid, the immune system, the heart, bone health, depression, weight and more.

This course will give you science backed information - mixed with clinical application practices that you can use to see true - lasting progress.


On Demand

  • 40+ Modules dripped out over 6 weeks*
  • * you will have access to the course modules for 1 year

Frequently Asked Questions